Team Air Space Metals focuses on using and infusing the latest technological innovations in the sphere of radiological protection and nuclear safety so that not only the physical environment but also the biosphere as a whole is saved from the prospective hazards of ionizing radiation. Mankind had been ignorant at times about radiation risks that have invited several nuclear disasters in different places of the world. Owing to improper shielding, lack of technical expertise, and unfollowing of the guidelines set by the regulatory body, the emission of ionizing rays can play havoc with our lives. We vowed to avoid contingency situations and extend reliable services that ensure the safety of the environment.


Trust, Loyalty, and Diligence are the key pillars of Air Space Metals and we strictly operate as per the rules and regulations set up by the apex organization in the country. We abide by our pro-client approach in all our dealings and promise to render the best-in-class services that suit all budgets very well. All of our projects are handled by certified professionals and a well-trained crew who use the latest and upgraded tools and machinery to rule out all possibilities of any mishaps. We assure the quality of the radiographical instruments so that both patients, as well as caregivers, can stay safe and protected. In short, we let you choose the best among the rest of the services that cater to sustainable development.


We bring to you, comprehensive solutions and feasible services that suit every pocket without putting the environment at stake. We let the environment stay sustained, rejuvenated, and flourished besides carving out ample scope for all-around economic development. With our cutting-edge technological know-how and proven expertise in the field of renewable green energy, borescope inspection, and other NDT testing and analysis services, soil remediation and better productivity solutions, and extensive quality assurance services in both industrial as well as diagnostic radiography, you can get perfect consultation, workable bits of advice topped with eco-friendly services. After all, everything that matters matter and at Air Space Metals we care for all matters that matter.